Help Alkaline the Robot fulfill his purpose by guiding him to the power generator.

But the weather isn't the clearest it's ever been, and Alkaline isn't exactly waterproof.

When the rain starts, Alkaline will start to malfunction and freak out all over the place! Make sure he's in a safe spot before the sun disappears, and get him safely to the power generator!

Made by Yonat and AdditionalRAM for Brackeys Jam 2024.2 within one week.

Published 4 days ago
Release date 4 days ago
AuthorsAdditionalRAM, Yonat
GenrePlatformer, Puzzle
Made withUnity, Aseprite
Average sessionA few seconds


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If Alkaline is at the edge of a platform, he gets (permanently) stuck, which isn't great.

Thank you for the feedback! That is a bug we know about, but unfortunately didn't have time to fix.